Bernard Johnson, Principal Managing Broker for the State of California, headquartered in San Diego, CA Office, has been a member of National Land Realtys professional team for over 5 years. He is also licensed in Georgia and North Carolina. He has extensive experience in both private land development, public government agency redevelopment, and general real estate brokerage. He has over 30 years of experience in the negotiation of commercial retail/light industrial, several department of transportation agencies, utility companies with electric transmission, oil/gas/solar, and conducting general commercial real estate brokerage transactions for private developers and public entities, nationwide. Bernard’s skill sets also include performance of real estate strategic master planning, real estate feasibility studies, fiscal and economic impact studies, market analysis, spatial and physical asset analysis, demographics studies and analysis, real estate portfolio evaluation, fiscal demographics studies, and general real estate commercial market research.
At the present, Bernard is President and CEO of The Bernard Johnson Group, Inc., specializing in Real Estate Consulting, Real Estate Finance, Land & Right-of-Way negotiation and Relocation Services. The Bernard Johnson Group provides a variety of real estate acquisition and relocation services in support of revitalization, redevelopment and transportation projects across the nation.
Bernard holds a BA from Michigan State University - Urban Development and Policy, as well as an MBA - Business Administration and Finance from National University, San Diego. He holds the SRWA designation, the highest designation from the International Right of Way Association “IRWA”, as well as certifications in Right of Way Negotiations (R/W-NAC) and Right of Asset Property Management (R/W-AMC). Bernard enjoys working with communities and serving on Board of Directors and Advisory Committees, including the Small Business Council for the State of California Department of Transportation and The Corky McMillin Center for Real Estate, Fowler College of Business at San Diego State University. He is a past Board Member of COHI Church in San Diego and a member of BSF- Bible Study Fellowship International in San Diego. He also enjoys all collegiate and professional sports, golfing, fishing, traveling the world and spending time with family.
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