Savitri L Richardson
About Savitri L Richardson
A native of Prospect Heights, Savitri's connection with real estate was forged early on being raised in a family of landlords and developers. After graduating from the University of Virginia with a Bachelor of Arts she moved to Seattle, WA and bought her first home at age 22. Inspired by her family's knowledge and success, Savitri began investing in and selling real estate in Seattle, quickly becoming a top producer. After realizing that she could raise the bar in the level of service offered to her clients, she opened her own real estate brokerage in 2006. Genuinely passionate about helping people, Savitri is a devoted mother of twins who is active in the PTA. She dedicates her time and service to her family, her community, and her clients. Deeply connected to the arts community through her love of acting, Savitri previously served on the board of SONYA - South of the Navy Yard Artists. Savitri returned to Brooklyn in 2010 and is now based in Clinton Hill. After working at one of the top real estate firms in the city, Savitri launched her own brokerage in order to again reach new heights and to continue working with clientele who seek her local expertise. She particularly enjoys working with clients who are searching for a neighborhood that reflects their lifestyle or investment goals, those who seek a broker who will properly price, market, and sell their home quickly, or those who are relocating from out of town.
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